Five years ago, I embarked on my first pilgrimage to Medjugorje, returning with a powerful phrase resonating in my mind: “You keep talking, we keep dying.” This phrase became the catalyst for a campaign that deeply shaped my life. While this endeavor was both meaningful and necessary, it came with significant personal sacrifices, impacting my joy and overall health.

Over these past five years, I have faced numerous challenges and even persecution, but the importance of the cause kept me going. Tomorrow morning, I leave Medjugorje once more, this time with a sense of release, closure, and fulfillment. I am content that I have done all I can and it is now time to focus on my health and the joys of recovery.

The fight must continue, but it is time for others to take up the mantle. This decision brings me profound relief and I hope a return to peace.

I understand that this news might be met with mixed emotions. While some civil servants and politicians might feel relieved, they should not be too complacent. There are many others who are deeply passionate about addressing the needless loss of lives. OUR arguments have been shared extensively, and can be found on various platforms, including Twitter and our website. Like a good mother or teacher, I believe in the power of repetition, but there comes a time to move on if the message isn’t being received.

This is not a farewell but a transition from this style of campaigning. I will return to the advocacy style that brought me joy when I first established our charity, @FavorUK, with our original strapline, “making recovery visible.” We will continue to advocate for better access and choice of services and build on & expand the FavorUK advocacy service. While I will occasionally comment publicly when invited, our focus will shift to highlighting the joys, paths, and opportunities of recovery.

Our final drug death campaigning event will be on Tuesday August 20th at 6 pm in George Square, Glasgow, to commemorate those we have lost. Please bring a photo of your loved one.

We will now focus on educating and sharing our experiences of the many different paths to recovery, celebrating them all. Our mission is to inspire those still seeking a way out, emphasising the joy of healing.

A quote from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states, “We ceased fighting anyone and anything.” I have experienced many years of peace throughout my recovery, and I hope to access it again now, returning the gift of healing and peace to myself. This peace is not just the absence of conflict but a profound sense of inner tranquility and acceptance. I have missed it for too long & now feel released of the obligation to fight.

As I step back from the forefront of campaigning about the deep injustice of the horrific drug deaths I am filled with gratitude for all the support and encouragement I have received. The journey has been arduous, but the progress made and the lives touched have been worth every effort. It is now time for me to focus on my well-being and allow others to carry the torch forward.

To everyone who has stood by me, fought alongside me, and believed in this cause – thank you. Your dedication and passion are what keep this movement alive.

Remember, the power to create change lies within each of us, and together, we can continue to make a difference. The Right to Recovery Bill is in both the politicians’ and your hands. @FAVORUK has been the midwife to the bill, nurturing its development and advocating for its passage, but it is up to all of us to ensure its success and implementation.

I look forward to this new chapter, one where I can rediscover the joys of life and continue to contribute in ways that uplift and inspire. The work we have done is not in vain; it is the foundation upon which new advocates will build.

Thank you, and may we all find the peace and strength to continue the good fight in our own ways.

This is not an end but a new beginning for @FAVORUK & all of our supporters dedicated to the cause of recovery and healing.
See you in London for the UK Recovery Walk in September.

Annemarie 💜