The Johnny Ruttledge memorial award

Will be given to an individual who has demonstrated a career in and or contributed to the field of addiction/recovery that exemplifies the achievements and character of Johnny Ruttledge.

Like Johnny, the Award will recognise a member of our field or community organisation who have made substantial contributions through leadership, love and service to the addiction/recovery community.

The Award winner is  announced each year at The UK Recovery Walk in  September. We hope you will come and celebrate their contribution and achievements to the world of addiction/recovery.

Each Year The Award nominations are open to, and recognise, both professionals and volunteers who demonstrate extraordinary dedication and skill on behalf of those suffering from addiction and supporting those in recovery. Such examples of vocations include: child protection workers; law enforcement personnel; mental health counsellors; criminal justice officers; researchers; medical professionals; recovery coaches; key workers; therapists; and social workers among others.

Every year, one individual and or one grassroots community organisation will be recognised for their contributions and support in advocating and developing the rights of people and their families in or seeking recovery from addiction.

See you then, & thanks for the inspiration Johnny.

Please send your named nominations for this year explaining in no more the 300 words why your individual or orgainsation should receive this award to

Previous Winners Include

Jude Duncan 2014

Mark Gilman 2015

Kevin Jafferey 2016/17

Gavin Hogarth 2017/18