Collective Denial

Collective Denial

🙏Amid recent developments in Portland and the grave warnings conveyed to Scottish ministers by Commissioner Gonzalez, it becomes all the more vital that we illuminate the shortcomings of Scotland’s existing addiction treatment system. Currently, merely a...
Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast 2

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast 2

If the Scottish Government is genuinely committed to its national mission of preserving lives, it is imperative to thoroughly examine the experiences and lessons from England over the past 13 years. In this field, politics and ideology have exerted excessive influence...
Lead the horse to water

Lead the horse to water

The Right to Recovery (Scotland) Bill is an opportunity to wrest control of addiction policy from the unaccountable NGO’s and so called ‘experts’  who are responsible for Scotland’s tragic drug deaths crisis. Dr Carlton Brick School of Education & Social...