UK’s First Addiction Advocacy Service

UK’s First Addiction Advocacy Service

Please enjoy reading even though it will be very disturbing for the comfortable, but comforting to the disturbed.   We are pleased to launch this report at the end of our first full year as the UK’s First & only addiction advocacy service. With...
Purple Heart of Recovery

Purple Heart of Recovery

The History of the Purple Heart Way back in 2012 we created the purple heart of recovery as our charity’s emblem to represent the bravery & courage required & practiced daily, by people in recovery & their families, friends & allies. Honouring...
Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

If the Scottish Government is truly serious about their national mission to save lives, then we should make every effort to learn from the things that have happened in England over the past 13 years. Politics and ideology have dominated this field for too long, and I...