When you are fundraising for FAVOR UK, you are acting “in aid of” or “supporting” FAVOR Charity, rather than “on behalf of” or “representing” FAVOR UK Charity. This means that you are independent of FAVOR UK Charity and what you do does not fall under FAVOR UK Charity’s control. We have special “in aid of” or “supports” logos that we will send you once your event is registered.
Please make sure that any fundraising materials or publicity you use includes the following:
In aid of/Supports FAVOR Charity: Registered Charity: SC043961
And ensure you have permission to use any images or text. Some material is available without copyright instructions, but do not assume that all materials are copyright free.
FAVOR UK cannot take responsibility for what you do as a volunteer when you are fundraising “in aid of” FAVOR UK Charity.
It is not acceptable to collect money in the street or do house to house collections in the name of FAVOR UK Charity so please don’t do this guys.
For certain events, such as raffles, lotteries or public entertainment you may need a licence or permission from the local authority so be careful.
FAVOR UK Charity cannot accept liability for your event, so please make sure that you have appropriate insurance in place for the activity or event you are carrying out. Check whether your chosen venue has insurance in place that will cover what you are planning.
Please think about the safety of yourself and those attending your event and make sure you carry out risk assessments for your fundraising event. You will find useful information on the Health and Safety Executive website.
In particular, where children, young people or vulnerable adults are involved, this should include an appropriate level of safeguarding preparation and adult supervision, checking children have permission from their parents or guardians, and carrying out appropriate background checks if adults are to have unsupervised access to children.