Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being interested in our work, and whether you are a person in or seeking recovery, a commissioner, a funder, a critic, or a member of the media – we want to extend a warm hand of friendship, and our heartfelt gratitude for all of your support through engagements, or otherwise, across this last year. We hope that you will enjoy reading about our work, and we would like to encourage you to get involved in any way that you think you can.


We need many friends, allies, and supporters to progress our campaign work and to also help us develop our new advocacy case worker service. As recovering people, we know the value of asking for help & we also know the more help we have the more we can pass on to others. With that ethos in mind if you can help in any way to grow and develop any of our work please get in touch. It is important to note however, that whilst we care deeply about how all of our stakeholders perceive what we are doing & are always open to guidance or support about how we can do that better – our loyalty remains always to those still seeking help, and with the recovery community across the UK and the rest of the world.


Please download the rest of our report here




Special thanks to Sam Marriot of Marriot Commuincations who put togehter the graphics and design of our report at the last minute.

You can get in touch with Sam here


Hugs & Thank you to everyone Annemarie x