Ask your MSP to Back the Bill by following these steps.



  1. Enter your postcode.
  2. Your elected MSP should show.
  3. Click on their name (or all regional if you wish).
  4. Copy and paste the text below into the box that appears.
  5. Fill in your details.
  6. Message us on Twitter @FAVORUK to tell us you Supported the Bill.
  7. Let us know any feedback that you get.

Right to Recovery to MSP’s

Right to Recovery Bill

As one of your constituents, I would like to ask you to support the Right to Recovery Bill to enshrine the rights of those seeking treatment for drug and alcohol use in law. In a time of ever increasing deaths I am astounded that those seeking help have no statutory right to receive that help.

Right to Recovery Bill

To put it simply, the current provisions are not sufficient. Too many people do not receive the help that they should expect. We can issue as many guidelines and standards as we want but these can continue to be ignored if there is no accountability to legislation.  

I ask that you support the general principles of this Bill, which are:

  1. Any individual seeking addiction and/or substance misuse treatment is able to quickly access their preferred treatment option, unless a medical professional deems it would be harmful to the individual.
  2. No individual shall be denied access to their preferred addiction and/or substance misuse treatment option, unless a medical professional deems it would be harmful to the individual.
  3. Should an individual request an addiction and/or substance misuse treatment option and be refused immediate access to that treatment, a medical professional will be required to provide a written explanation detailing the grounds of refusal within 24 hours.

The Bill would seek to provide a statutory right to addiction and recovery treatment of choice and entitle someone to a written decision if this choice isn’t allowed.

This Bill would ensure that people like J, who begged for residential rehab so as he could become a father again, the right to seek this and expect a plan when doing so. He wouldn’t have to guess what his rights are or if he will ever get rehab.

This Bill would ensure that people like A, wouldn’t be forced to take methadone against her wishes or not be helped at all. A ended up dying.

I understand that the Misuse of drugs Act is not devolved so not under your jurisdiction – but drugs policy is devolved. I believe that this Bill will ensure people feel confidence in the system and challenge any decision that is not in the spirit of the new Act.  

If you agree with this Bill, you can help by writing to Nicola Sturgeon and the other Minister’s, asking them to publicly support the Bill and call for people’s rights to be enshrined in law, allowing them the treatment of choice and thus allowing them to build a legally binding plan to a better life. I would also ask that, when the time comes, you support this bill in parliament. I ask that party politics are not used to argue about something that can save lives.  

You can read more about the recovery bill of rights here 

You can also publicly support the campaign by Tweeting:

“I support the Right to Recovery Bill and back @FavorUK in their fight to #BackTheBill”

I hope I can count on you in this and I’m happy to discuss with you directly. Together, we can fight for fairness and to stop the deaths.